今天,江南全站登陆 小敏给大家介绍一下(波形)8770AAgilentHP8770A任意波形合成发生器,以下(波形)8770AAgilentHP8770A任意波形合成发生器的内容是小敏网上整理,希望对您有用。
Agilent HP 8770A 任意波形合成发生器
Description: The Agilent HP 8770A is aArbitrary Waveform Synthesizer.
Product Specs:
The 8770A Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer is part of the 8770S Signal Simulator System Complex IF signals (DC to 50MHz) Includes HP-IB Switches frequencies as fast as 8 ns, phase continuous -110 to +10 dBm Attenuator: 110 dB in 10 dB steps